Savings Account Rates
Prime Shares | Club Savings | Health Savings | Checking | IRA | Money Market | Certificates
Savings (Prime Shares) | .10% |
Club Savings | .10% |
Dividend Checking (Share Drafts) $500 Min. Balance | .10% |
Escrow Accounts | .10% |
IRA & Health Savings Accounts | .45% |
Christmas Club | .10% |
Advantage Checking* $10,000 Minimum Balance | .30% |
*If balance falls below $10,000 the account will not earn dividends.
Premier Money Market Account ($2,000 Minimum Balance Required)
Below $2,000 | .20% |
$2,000 - $9,999.99 | .95% |
$10,000 - $24,999.99 | 1.00% |
$25,000 - $49,999.99 | 1.20% |
$50,000 - $99,999.99 | 1.25% |
$100,000 and Above | 1.25% |
If the balance falls below the minimum balance requirement during any month, the account will be subject to a below minimum balance fee for that month.
Share, IRA & Health SavingsMinimum Deposit $500
6 months | 1.30% |
12 months | 2.25% |
24 months | 2.25% |
36 months | 2.50% |
48 months | 2.75% |
60 months | 2.90% |
* A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawals. Penalties are based upon the original term of the certificate and the amount of the withdrawal. Review certificate product information for details.
For questions regarding our rates, e-mail [email protected] or
call (815) 267-7700 or (866) 469-6228.